Author Archives: Gregory Storer
More of the same or something new
There are plenty of political stories around at present! No surprises there. We have the coalition promising us their “Action Contract” and that we should stand up for action and stand up for Australia. Then we have the Labor party wanting to “Move … Continue reading
Radio Spot on Joy 94.9
Today I spoke with Doug Pollard on Joy 94.9 Doug interviewed me and we covered a range of topics including a brief snapshot of what the Secular Party is all about, my drive for wanting to stand in Melbourne Ports … Continue reading
On the Radio
I’ll be on Joy Melbourne, 94.9 on Thursday July 29th at around about 9.40 a.m. You can listen on line or if you can’t listen in live, I’m sure there will be a podcast later on.
Gregory Storer (Secular Party) runs for Melbourne Ports
The federal election for 2010 is an important one for all Australians. We need to help Australia progress to enable us to continue to live in a free and democratic society. A society that allows its citizens true equality and … Continue reading