Comments on: No to the Chaplaincy Program! Working for a secular Australia Mon, 31 Oct 2011 02:57:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: National School Chaplaincy Program: High Court Challenge « mikeybear Wed, 04 Aug 2010 14:21:01 +0000 […] days ago Gregory Storer, candidate for the Secular Party in Melbourne Ports, posted a blog “No to the Chaplaincy Program!“.  Read it, it’s got some good facts and figures about how tax-payer money is going to […]

By: Kenneth Cooke Mon, 02 Aug 2010 11:53:32 +0000 The NSCA was of course set up specifically to facilitate recruitment of christian chaplains on behalf of the non catholic christian religions. Catholic systemic schools I presume provide their own.

There are several non christian “chaplains” in private islamic and jewish schools. You can see the list on the department web site. I get the impression from the list that a much higher percentage of private schools than public schools have taken up the offer since it is essentially free money to private scholls who would in any case already have had an in house chaplain.

Interesting paragraph from the report commissioned by the NSCA ” The Effectiveness of Chaplaincy As Provided by the National School Chaplaincy Association to Government Schools in Australia”
“The South Australian Department of Education has decreed that the word ‘chaplain’
should not be used for those appointed to its government schools. Instead, the term ‘Christian pastoral support worker’ has been declared the appropriate term.”
What the….!! seems to assume that there is no possibility that the state schools would ever appoint other than a christian chaplain!! Tell that to the local state school where I live (Sydney) where the christians are well and truely outnumbered by non christian mostly Budhist students. How is a school such as this supposed to “take advantage” of this program. It is a recipy for divisiveness.
