Comments on: Climate Change Working for a secular Australia Mon, 31 Oct 2011 02:57:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lachlan O'Dea Fri, 20 Aug 2010 06:06:39 +0000 Those are important questions, but I feel you’re shifting the debate somewhat.

1) If CO2 is not causing damaging climate change, then it is not a pollutant (crops actually grow better when more CO2 is available). A carbon tax may well end up wasting a staggering amount of resources to reduce something that isn’t a pollutant.

2) There’s a huge difference between a gradual move to alternative energy sources (which is already underway) and a massive, painful and artificial intervention in the economy to avoid an impending disaster.

A carbon tax is a massive cost, resulting in less money for tackling our other problems, including environmental issues such as water use and salinity. The costs to developing countries will be even greater. Deciding the truth or otherwise of the climate catastrophe claims is critical for determining where to spend our limited resources.

I’m happy to note your support of nuclear power, however. While more expensive than coal, it is at least feasible without a carbon tax. Australia is missing a huge opportunity there.

By: Gregory Storer Fri, 20 Aug 2010 05:12:53 +0000 Thanks for your input.

Do you think that humans should:
1) Reduce pollution and care for the environment?
2) Ensure that we don’t exhaust all of the available resources without alternative ways of living?

By: Lachlan O'Dea Fri, 20 Aug 2010 05:06:28 +0000 I like the Secular Party, but this is proof that even those skeptical of religion can be suckered in by a good scare. The case that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are going to cause a climatic catastrophe has not been made. Not even close. The fact that the climate is changing does not prove a) a catastrophe is coming or b) humans are causing it. There has never been a point in the 4.5 billion year history of this planet when the climate has not been changing. An abundant source of energy maywill prove very useful for adapting to such change.

Everyone, the Secular Party included, is just taking the IPCC’s word on all this. You can do better than that.
