Comments on: Gregory Storer (Secular Party) runs for Melbourne Ports Working for a secular Australia Mon, 31 Oct 2011 02:57:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mannie De Saxe Sat, 07 Aug 2010 13:32:00 +0000 I’m too OLD and not clever enough!! but thanks for the kind thought!

Will keep the senate in mind when we vote – anything to record votes against all that mob!!!

Hope you do well and best wishes again.



By: Gregory Storer Fri, 06 Aug 2010 15:34:49 +0000 Thanks for your support. Remember you can vote for us in the Senate. John Perkins and Rosemary Sceats are standing in Victoria.

Hopefully next time we can stand candidates in more seats…. ever thought about that yourself?

By: Mannie De Saxe Fri, 06 Aug 2010 14:50:50 +0000 Dear Greg,

I have contact with Michael and his blog intermittently and was delighted to find that there are Secular Party candidates standing against so many of the right-wing religious bigots at present being government and opposition in this country.

As a long-time atheist ( for about the last 60 years) it is refreshing to find – at last – that there are people who are prepared to do something about the ongoing religious connections which so many like Rudd and Abbott have and push down our unwilling gullets on every occasion possible.

Unfortunately we don’t have one of your party candidates standing against Martin Ferguson in Batman, more’s the pity, but we live in hope for the future. We only hope that those opposing him in this election will be able to reduce his margin which is one of the biggest for the ALP in Australia!

Best wishes and good luck with opposing the Member for Israel – hope his majority gets slashed to ribbons too!!


Mannie De Saxe
